
  • Diseases of respiratory organs with children and adults: Bronchial asthma, acute and chronical bronchitis, sinusitis, emphysema, bronchiectasis, respiratory insufficiency, postpneumonic states, other frequent respiratory infections and alergical manifestations, especially with chidren;
  • Rheumatic diseases: Rheumatism of peripheral joints and spinal column, other types rheumatism, etc;
  • Post-traumatic states;
  • Chronical gynecological illnesses;
  • Neurological diseases: Neuralgia, radiculity, states after injuries of peripheral nervs;
  • Neurosis;
  • Parcinson’s disease (less developed forms);
  • Stress syndrom;
  • Psychical and physical exhaustion;
  • Lighter forms of hypertension;

We are the sole medical institution of the kind in Serbia.

The Specialized Hospital for Non-specific Lungs Diseases Prevention, Medical Treatment and Rehabilitation – “Sokobanja” is the only institution in Sokobanja possesing the approval of Ministry of Health to use natural healing factors for medical treatment purposes.